How to Get Your Windows Ready for Fall and Winter

Proper installation and upkeep of your windows are crucial to improve energy efficiency, keep your home warmer and create a more comfortable living environment. Additionally, replacing your old and damaged windows with high-quality replacement windows can help you prepare your home for fall and winter. In this post, JLR Home Renovation shares a quick guide on how you can get your windows ready for the colder months.

The Importance of Window Maintenance

Windows play a vital role in your home, providing views and natural light and working as your defense against weather and temperature changes. During the fall and winter seasons, well-insulated windows can help keep the warmth inside and the cold air out, creating a comfortable environment and significant energy savings. If your windows are properly maintained, you can avoid air leakage and reduce the strain on your heating system, lowering your utility bills.

Signs Your Windows Need Replacement

Drafty Windows

If you constantly feel a draft from your windows, it’s an indicator that you may need to replace them.

Difficulty in Opening, Closing or Locking

If your windows are hard to open or close or the locks don’t work anymore, they might be warped or the foundation may have shifted.

Condensation Between the Glass Panes

When window seals fail, moisture slips between the panes, causing condensation and negatively impacting the windows’ insulation properties. It might seem like a minor issue, but it can lead to damage and mold growth over time.

High Energy Bills

If your heating and cooling bills continually increase, it may be due to old, inefficient windows. Newer windows are often designed with energy efficiency in mind, helping to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Deteriorating Frames and Leaking Windows

Wooden window frames are susceptible to environmental damage over time. If you notice extensive wear, softened wood, or leaks, it is a sign that the window needs replacement.

Noise Pollution

If noises from outside have become louder than usual, it could be that your windows aren’t providing enough sound insulation. Replacing them can make your home more peaceful and quiet.

Get Started With Your Window Replacement 

With JLR Home Renovation, you can have peace of mind that your windows are in the hands of experienced professionals. We also provide kitchen remodeling and siding services. To schedule a consultation, call us at (717) 361-6175 or complete our contact form. We proudly serve homeowners in Elizabethtown, Palmyra and Mount Joy, PA.