6 Common Myths About Window Replacement, Debunked

For homeowners considering replacement windows, making the right choices is crucial. Whether you’re pondering energy efficiency or contemplating a larger renovation that might include kitchen remodeling or even adding siding, it’s important to cut through the misinformation. Let’s debunk some common myths about window replacement in this blog post.

1. Summer Is the Best Time for Window Replacement

The belief that summer is the best time for window replacement is a pervasive myth. In reality, professional installers can perform the job efficiently year-round. With the proper tools and skills, they ensure a seamless installation process that minimizes exposure to the elements, no matter the season. So, if you require replacement windows, don’t delay until summer — schedule the job on a date that best suits you.

2. New Windows Can Damage Your Property

The idea that replacing windows will cause damage to other portions of your home is unfounded, especially when working with a credible company. Expert installers ensure the structural integrity of your home remains intact while offering swift and meticulous service. 

3. Windows Don’t Contribute to Energy Efficiency

Some homeowners might be skeptical about the energy-saving potential of new windows. However, a significant portion of a home’s energy can be lost through inefficient doors and windows. Modern window designs and materials effectively seal your home, cutting down on drafts and reducing energy consumption. Properly installed windows can result in noticeable cost savings over time.

4. Window Replacement Is a DIY Project

While it’s tempting to save on costs by attempting a DIY window replacement, it’s important to recognize the complexity of the task. Window replacement often requires precise measurements, specialized knowledge and the right tools to ensure an airtight and level installation. Mistakes not only lead to potential damage but also loss of energy efficiency, which could cost more in the long run. Professional installation comes with the added benefit of warranties that protect your investment.

5. You Have to Wait for Major Renovations

Contrary to the belief that windows should only be replaced during significant remodels, there’s no need to postpone. Window replacement can be an independent project – there’s no financial advantage to waiting for a larger renovation. Starting with windows can inspire the next phases of your home improvement plans, adding immediate value in terms of aesthetics and energy conservation.

6. Replacement Affects Only Home Aesthetics

While new windows certainly upgrade your home’s appearance, their influence goes beyond aesthetics. From improved natural lighting to enhanced soundproofing and ventilation, window replacement contributes to a comfortable living environment. The functionality of modern windows can make your home more enjoyable and efficient.

Count on the experienced professionals at JLR Home Renovation for high-quality results that enhance your home’s function and form. Call us at (717) 361-6175 or fill out this contact form to get an estimate for your window replacement project.