The Murphy’s Law of Home Renovation

Murphy’s Law famously states that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” This is the mantra of any good contractor, and the reason they go to incredible lengths to anticipate and prevent any possible issue, whether it’s a  bathroom remodeling project or a roof replacement.

While you can’t completely eliminate the chance of problems cropping up, a good contractor like JLR Home Renovation can certainly reduce the risk. Here’s why you should trust us:

Our Experience Speaks for Itself

Experience is the best teacher, as they say, and at JLR Home Renovation, our experience can speak for itself. When you hire a remodeler with years of experience and whose abilities your neighbors can vouch for, you have peace of mind knowing that they’ll do a great job.

We Finish What We Start

We are obsessed with details. We won’t rest until we’ve dotted every “i” and crossed every “t.” Rest assured that our crew knows the workflow from beginning to end, and we abide by a strict timeline when performing our work. We won’t leave until you’re satisfied with our work.

We Are Insured

Some home and basement remodeling contractors are not adequately insured, which means you’ll be the one paying for any mistakes they make. And as noted by, 50% of homeowners who launch a renovation project encounter a mistake sooner or later.

At JLR Home Renovation, this won’t do. We carry insurance and the right permits, so in the off chance that we do make an error, we’ll fix it at no cost to you.

Find out why JLR Home Renovation is the preferred remodeling contractor in the region. Call us today at (717) 361-6175. You can also fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve the following PA areas: Elizabethtown, Hummelstown and Hershey.