Opening Up a Traditional Floor Plan: A Guide

Opening up an old house can be challenging, according to experts. However, this kind of redesign can meaningfully improve your lifestyle in the long run when done right. As this is one of the most popular transitions most people consider these days, here are tips from your remodeling contractor as a guide. 

  1. Prepare. Be aware of how important it is to plan ahead of time. Start by considering the layout of the space. Do not hesitate to seek guidance from designers and other experts whenever necessary.
  2. Determine how you will use the area. Make a list of the things you want to be in your space. Consider practicality and functionality when you ask yourself about what you want and need. Determine whether you want to prioritize having a working area, more custom cabinetries for storage or a spacious living room.
  3. Organize your things. Designate specific areas for particular items. This way, you can create and maintain a tidy space. You will be more at ease whenever you need to find your belongings. 
  4. Determine which features to preserve. Whether you’re tackling living area or basement remodeling, accents are essential. Look for the existing accents that can give your home a character and, if possible, make a plan to preserve them in the remodel. These could be fireplaces, windows and countertops.
  5. Prioritize lighting. Light is an essential factor, both in terms of natural illumination and the placement of fittings. Remember that whenever designing, think about which rooms are in your open plan design, their uses and how often each room is used.
  6. Set boundaries using different accents. Making use of furniture matters a lot. Experts remind that these should sit away from the walls, creating small areas facilitating a conversation. You can also put plants and other items in areas that need dividers or just decoration.

Transforming Your House Into a Home

Get started on your home renovation project with JLR Home Renovation. If you are looking for basement, kitchen, or bathroom remodeling in Elizabethtown, Hershey, Hummelstown, Mount Joy, Palmyra or the surrounding areas, give us a call today at (717) 452-4962. You can also contact us online by filling out our convenient form. We’re excited to get started on your home renovation project. Let us help bring your vision to life!