Dealing With Choice Paralysis in Home Renovation

Even a simple home remodeling project like painting the kitchen requires making a lot of choices, from the color of paint to the brand, and of course the contractor you hire to do the job. With more complex projects like kitchen remodeling, there are so many choices homeowners have to make that it can feel downright overwhelming, leading to a kind of paralysis.

Called choice paralysis or the paradox of choice, this conundrum happens when humans are faced with a lot of choices more than they know what to do with. Today, JLR Home Renovation shares a guide on how to cut out what doesn’t matter and focus your efforts.

Identify Your Style

Start by thinking about how you’d describe your home to a stranger. Is it modern? Is it traditional? Or does it have both elements? By thinking of the recurring motif or theme in the home, you can eliminate several design ideas that don’t make sense in your current setup.

Size Matters

If you’re looking to expand your home, you will have more varied choices, but if you’re making do with what you have, the size of your home will necessarily limit what you can change. Look for ideas, photos or suggestions that are similar to the room you will remodel. Alternatively, if you want to make a space look bigger, investing in replacement windows can be a great place to start.

Budget Carefully

Of course, no home improvement project will happen if you don’t have the budget—both time and money—for it. Be realistic about how much you can afford, upfront and in the long run. If you’re looking to sell your home down the line, you may want to start with projects that recoup the most investment.

JLR Home Renovation specializes in interior and exterior remodeling, including siding replacement. Call us today at (717) 361-6175. You can also fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve the following PA areas: Elizabethtown, Palmyra and Mount Joy.