Basement Finishing Dos and Don’ts

Finishing your basement can bring several benefits. Apart from increasing the usable space in your home, it can also boost your home’s value and appeal. There’s just so much potential for your basement when you finish it. You can turn the space into an area for entertaining or bonding with your family, an extra room for guests, or a reliable storage space for valuable or seasonal items in your home.

To ensure the success of your basement finishing project, siding and basement remodeling expert JLR Home Renovation lists some dos and don’ts to take note of.

DO: Prepare a Detailed Architectural Plan

Make sure you have the measurements of your basement. And if you have permanent items in there (such as a water heater, furnace, pipes, etc.), don’t forget to take them into account. You can work with a professional to help you plan the space based on how you intend to use it and how it can be divided up for multiple uses.

DO: Waterproof the Basement

Moisture is a common concern in basements. So before finishing your basement, you might want to check for mold, musty odors, rust, peeling paint, and discoloration of walls and ceilings. Make sure to deal with these issues first and opt for a basement finishing product that can prevent mold or moisture damage.

DO: Give Priority to Utility

Regardless of how exactly you want to use your basement, keep in mind that it should still primarily be a highly utilitarian area. Much like in kitchen remodeling, your new basement layout should enhance the functionality of the space. Also, consider the area around your water heater. It’s best to leave this unfinished in case of leaks. As much as possible, avoid modifications in your plumbing so as to cut down cost. If you need extra privacy in certain areas, you can wall off these parts for your comfort.

DON’T: Underestimate the Construction

The fun thing about finishing a basement is the amount of freedom that you have in customizing the space. It’s easy to get caught up with other details and forget about the less obvious but much more essential aspects of the project. For instance, it’s crucial to keep your basement dry and warm so as to prevent damage or other possible issues. That said, you should work with a contractor who is experienced in basement finishing. Ensure that they are familiar with permitting and zoning regulations too.

DON’T: Skimp on Aesthetics

Your basement can be warm, cozy and stylish too. Gone are the days when basements are made up of bare walls and mismatched furniture. Have fun designing your basement, but make sure to choose an appropriate color scheme that matches every part of the room.

JLR Home Renovation is a trusted name in the home improvement industry. Our expertise includes basement remodeling, kitchen and bathroom renovations, replacement windows and more. Call us at (717) 361-6175 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve homeowners in Elizabethtown, Palmyra and Mount Joy, PA.