3 Bathroom Remodeling Trends to Watch For

Your home’s bathroom should be a sanctuary where you can unwind in a hot bath after a long day of work, but an outdated space makes it hard to relax or even to feel motivated to get ready in the morning. If you are considering making some changes, JLR Home Renovation recommends these bathroom remodeling trends to make the space as beautiful as it is functional.

Mediterranean Designs

If you love the gorgeous colors and beautiful architecture found in countries such as Spain and Portugal, you’ll adore the Mediterranean-inspired bathroom trend. Hand-painted terra cotta tile, bright or metallic colors, as well as mosaic patterns, give your bathroom the feel of a vacation oasis right in your own home.

Get Connected

If your family is like most, you’re always on the go. Today’s bathrooms aren’t just for showers. When you remodel your bathroom, connect your wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices to your bathroom to get motivated in the mornings. You can place them virtually anywhere.

Once you find a convenient place, you’ll have weather, traffic, news, music and more right at your fingertips each morning.

Make Space for Fido

How much money do you spend taking your dog to the groomer? According to the National Kitchen and Bath Association, you don’t need to toss money down the proverbial drain as long as you have the right one at home. Perhaps the most interesting emerging trend is adding a pet zone in your existing bathroom. A walk-in shower with a second showerhead at a lower height makes it easy to give your pets a bath without scheduling an appointment first.

Whether you decide to use one of these bathroom trends or none of them, always do your research before hiring a renovation company. A reputable remodeling contractor in Elizabethtown, PA, like JLR Home Renovation, will be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau, have a valid license and hire only licensed and trained employees. Call us today to learn more.