Picking the Right Bathroom Tiles: A Step-by-Step Guide

Tile selection is one of the most important decisions in a bathroom remodel, considering the area that they cover. In fact, the right tiles can turn a good bathroom into a great one. If you’re planning a bathroom remodel, read on as local remodeling contractor JLR Home Renovation shares a quick guide to choosing the right bathroom tiles.

Think About Your Style and Taste

Every part of your home should reflect your style and taste. When planning your bathroom remodel, think about how elements, including tiles, will fit your vision — or at least something that’s to your taste. With a wide selection of tiles available, picking just what works with your style and taste will help narrow down your selection quickly.

Identify the Areas That Require Tiles

Unless your bathroom remodeling plans are focused on building a wet room — which needs tiles from floor to ceiling — chances are you’ll only need tiles for parts of the bathroom. Identifying the tiled areas of the bathroom as early as possible will help you with details like estimating your remodeling budget and picking the fixtures that will work with your tile selection.

Choose Your Tile Material

Bathroom tiles are made from a diverse selection of materials, ceramic, porcelain, natural stone and glass among them. Each type has its own set of features: some are more durable, while others keep their appearance for a longer time. Texture is also important because it can be used to create contrast or to add safety features to the bathroom.

Combine Shapes and Sizes

It’s no exaggeration when we say that bathroom tiles come in all shapes and sizes, which makes them a key consideration during your remodeling project’s planning stage. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, there’s also the matter of time and cost — small tiles will require more time to install, which means more labor and more grout. Differences in shape and size, as well as color and texture, can add a visual break to areas covered with just one type of tile.

Work With a Professional Remodeler

Whether you’re a hands-on, seasoned homeowner or are just getting started on your first bathroom or basement remodeling project, working with a professional remodeler can help ensure great results. Find out what our team at JLR Home Renovation can do for you by calling us at (717) 361-6175. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve communities in Elizabethtown, Hummelstown and Hershey, PA.