Key Design Elements of Shared Bathrooms

Shared bathrooms are meant to be used by everyone in your household, which means there are design elements that may not be necessary in any other type of bathroom, be it an ensuite or a two or three-quarter bathroom. In today’s post, bathroom remodeling company JLR Home Renovation discusses the important elements of shared bathrooms.

Maximized Space

It goes without saying that getting the most out of your bathroom space is important, no matter what size your bathroom is. Emphasis on space must be made for a shared bathroom because it needs to serve the needs of more than just one person. Compromises may need to be made with a finite floor area. Look for ways to incorporate multi-functional furniture and fixtures, as well as storage solutions that make the most of your space. For example, you may consider replacing a tub with a shower to save space, or adding a bench to the shower to increase functionality without taking up more space.

Open Shelving

Without cabinet doors in the way, open shelves make it easier to access bathroom supplies, particularly for members of the household that may have difficulty opening cabinet doors. If you have young children in the household, shelf height must also be a consideration. Unsupervised children may play with bathroom supplies that may include hazardous substances. Since the contents of open shelves are in plain view, keeping them organized is a must. One of the benefits of working with a good remodeling contractor is you can have open bathroom shelving that meets the needs of your family.

Durable Materials

A bathroom that’s intended to be shared by an entire household has to be made of durable materials, particularly those that are made or treated to resist high humidity levels. Just as important are materials that are easy to clean and maintain, such as tile, stone and laminate flooring.


Bathrooms are, of course, designed with privacy in mind. However, a shared bathroom may need to be shared by more than one individual at a time, as is often the case in a household with several school-age children and working adults. Consider adding a water closet that separates the toilet from the rest of the bathroom, or a shower with an opaque enclosure.

JLR Home Renovation is one of the most trusted bathroom and basement remodeling contractors in Elizabethtown, Hummelstown and Hershey, PA. For more information on our remodeling services, call us today at (717) 361-6175 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.