4 Telltale Signs You Need a Bathtub Replacement

Soaking in a hot tub should be a relaxing and enjoyable experience–but not when the bathtub you’re sitting in is leaky and already looking worse for wear. Have you considered replacing your existing tub with a newer one? JLR Home Renovation, the trusted bathroom remodeling company in the area, shares how to tell if you need a bathtub replacement. 

  1. Leaking. Check the bathroom floor after using the tub. Is there pooling water around the tub? Mysterious puddles on the bathroom floor usually indicate a leak–and while a leaky tub seems trivial, it does become a major problem when overlooked. Aside from the obvious slipping accidents, a leaky tub can also result in considerable water and structural damage. 
  1. Cracks and chips. Bathtubs wear down over time, no matter how durable the material. Once you notice that cracks and chips have appeared on the tub, you might want to start planning a replacement. These openings, after all, almost certainly lead to the leaking tub issue mentioned above. To help you get started on your bathroom upgrade, just turn to JLR Home Renovation. As the area’s premier remodeling contractor, we’ll help you explore your available bathtub options, and decide on the one that best suits your space and your specific needs.
  1. Excessive mold and mildew. Getting into anything where there’s visible fungal growth is never a good idea. The bad news is that old and leaking tubs can be the ideal breeding ground for mold. Getting rid of it is manageable in small patches, but if your existing tub already has a high concentration of mold, have it replaced immediately. 
  1. Stains. This issue isn’t as serious, but if you find yourself spending an hour every other week cleaning the discoloration off your bathtub, then you should consider a prompt replacement. You’ll want to keep a pristine and stylish bathroom, and updating your tub is a good first step.

JLR Home Renovation is not just your expert in basement remodeling–we can also handle your bathroom renovation needs. We’ll enhance function and comfort in your bath space with our worry-free bathtub replacement services. Call us today at (717) 361-6175 or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation. We serve the areas in and around Elizabethtown, Hershey, and Hummelstown, PA.